There are people that do multiple transactions or multiple trips to save even more money, but I usually don't unless there is a really good reason for me to. With two girls and James' schedule, I really don't have the time. Maybe next week if I have the chance I'll try to do multiple transactions. We'll see.
So, I got all this yesterday for $13.01 OOP (out of pocket):
Gillette Body Wash: $4.00/each (2)
Dove Ultimate Deodorant: $3.36/each (2)
Dove Deodorant: $2.24/each (2)
Dove Cream Oil Lotion: $5.99
Dove Satin Body Wash: $4.49
These were all items on sale. I then used coupons:
$1.50 off any 2 Dove Ultimate Deodorant
$1.00 off any Gillette Body Wash
$1.25 off any Dove Body Wash
$1.50 off any Dove Lotion
$1.50 off any 2 Dove deodorant
$3 Register Rewards (details below, from last trip)
Total after tax of $22.01. Between the sales and my coupons, I saved $18.99.
I also got Register Rewards. They are like cash you can use towards your next purchase of anything at Walgreens. You just can use them to buy more of the same item. So I got $3 for the 2 Gillette Washes and $6 for the 6 Dove items= $9 for next week!
After you count the $9, I only paid $13.01 and saved $27.99!
The only rules with Walgreens and coupons is that you can't have more items than coupons. So say I had 3 items all with coupons plus Register Rewards to use. I'd have to buy a cheap 4th item to use the Register Rewards. You can also stack Walgreens coupons AND manufacturer coupons together!
I will say here Walgreens is my best bet for H&B items; none of my grocery or discount stores double coupons.
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